If you’re reading this you’ll have noticed that I’ve been playing around with the look of the site. It’s all somewhat experimental at the moment and it may yet revert back to what it was before. Either way, expect some further tweaks.

Meanwhile here’s a short sequence of the young herring gulls on one of the terraced green roofs at the University of Brighton, Falmer. They’re not quite ready to fly, though they have been spotted jumping an inch or so into the air. Another week or so will probably do it.

Herring gull chick

Herring gull chick

Herring gull chick

Herring gull chick

Camera note: all photos taken with the Canon 7D and EF 400mm f/5.6L USM lens.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. I like the new look.

    1. dW, thanks!

  2. I definitely prefer the new colour scheme and the title font is great.

    Those seagulls are still looking a little bit scrawny and have definitely lost their cuteness.

    1. Anne, thanks! The chicks are definitely becoming more gull-like by the day.

  3. Kind of unusual to see baby gulls in a grass but roof were probably taken 😀

    As for a new design, I like it. Especially a new font in headers :up:

    1. dW, the roof of this building is covered in grass. It’s part of the ecological developments here. It looks better, and also provides insulation.

      Thanks for the positive feedback on the design. I’ll stick with it.

      1. I guess you meant “Darko” instead of “dW” but that’s OK. We are all friends here, after all :up:

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