It’s been very quiet around Falmer Pond the past few days, but it gives me the chance to post a few shots of the more common birds that are more or less ever present.

There’s a healthy population of collared doves, often seen in pairs.

Collared doves

Collared doves

Back at ground level, the woodpigeons stalk the local churchyard.


We also have a thriving community of sparrows, who are noisy but always a pleasure to see.


And up on the church roof (and indeed in the church roof), there are jackdaws… always jackdaws.



Camera note: all photos taken with the Canon 7D and EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L USM IS lens.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Ah, the jackdaws have evicted the barn owl permanently, then. A pity, he was so pretty in there.

    The collared doves are a treat; I don’t believe we have them over here. And the woodpigeon would simply be called a pigeon here … they are urban birds. The sparrows are not only a pleasure to see; I find them nearly a cheery-sounding as any other bird. In the absence of chickadees, they are my favourite little songsters.

    1. dW, that hole was always a jackdaw roost. The owl took over for a week or so a couple of years back, but they reclaimed it quickly. The collared doves are middle eastern in origin and relatively recent colonists in the UK (last 50-70 years).

  2. Nice photo of a sparrow 🙂

    1. Darko, thanks 😀

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