Little to report from the pond this morning, although the resident cormorant did put in a brief appearance. The light was poor and although I grabbed a few shots this is one of the few to have escaped the recycle bin.

The ducks were making a bit of splash. These two drakes were engaged in some sort of territorial spat.

The day was not entirely wasted though. Later on I came across a large flock of Canada geese. These large geese are year-round residents and were happily grazing a field.

Well they were until they suffered a bovine interruption. Still it gave me a chance to take some shots of the flock taking off.

I'm not sure what the weather will be doing tomorrow. Light cloud is forecast, but that can mean almost anything. I'd welcome a few gaps to allow the sun to filter through.
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Camera note: all shots taken with the Canon 7D EF and 400mm f/5.6L USM lens.

This Post Has 19 Comments

  1. Words, tremendous shots of the Canada's! I have always really admired the Canada Goose! I have seen them migrating in Fall on the prairies! It's a sight to behold! There are literally millions of them! Their songs in the air are a true sign of Fall and will put a shiver down one's spine!

  2. I took them for granted when oh so many lodged outside my apartment for years and years… I guess I must step back to appreciate them!

    nice images, Words!

  3. I guess that bovine was teritorial, too 😀

  4. Darko, you wouldn't think that they would be so possessive over a particular patch of grass when there's so much more grass to choose from.

  5. Jill, I know what you mean. Common wildlife is often ignored (and sometimes reviled), but if it wasn't there we would soon notice the absence. For us it's the herring gulls, actually a protected species but so commonplace locally that many people regard them as a pest.

  6. Erwin, thanks!

  7. Robin, I would estimate the low hundreds for the local flock. A major migration must be a sight to behold.

  8. Did they have a visa? Canadians :whistle:

  9. I don't think they need one as members of the Commonwealth 😉

  10. They're rather a pest down here in the states … they've taken to wintering over wherever they can find a bit of open water, and it's gotten worse with climate change and the fact that people feed them. They are no respecters of property, and they congregate in great numbers anywhere there's something to eat, and their droppings are a health hazard. Of course it's illegal to hunt them, especially in the cities, and it's a pity, too, because the meat is excellent, and could go a long way toward helping those unfortunates who could use a square meal, and it would help reduce the problem at the same time.
    They are magnificent birds, though … one only wishes that they would be magnificent somewhere else.

  11. Originally posted by Words:

    if it wasn't there we would soon notice the absence.


    Originally posted by Words:

    For us it's the herring gulls

    and then, I would be grabbing my camera 😀

  12. dW, it sounds like you really do have a problem with them over there!

  13. If you've ever run into a sparrow or robin with your car (it happens; not often, but it happens), just imagine splatting one of these monsters onto your windscreen. And they're offensive in defence; they'll chase pedestrians and attack small children.

  14. Bovines, Shetland ponies – it's spreading :eyes:

  15. Nature is biting back.

  16. Very nice shots, especially the second to last picture.

  17. Adele, it's interesting watching the seasonal behavioural changes. Grass is becoming a very treasured thing!

  18. Lois, thanks! The second to last is a fairly tight crop.

  19. Lovely shots

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