I’ve spent very little time recently watching for the garden foxes and badgers. I’ve had one or two glimpses out of the window, but nothing to photograph. They are around though. There are several foxes, and at least two badgers. The foxes are in varying condition. At least two healthy ones, plus Stumpy (the fox with half a hairless brush), and another fox with signs of slight mange. There may be another.

two foxes
Two of the garden foxes

This has all been gleaned from the trail camera which is set to take stills at this time of year. I do this when the temperature drops because the cold weather drains the batteries very quickly and 15-20 second video clips use a lot more energy than bursts of three stills.

I’ve put about 700 shots from the last couple of weeks together as a time-lapse video. It’s fast so don’t blink!

There were a couple of magpies and a cat in there as well. Checking the temperature readings it got down as low as -7°C during that period.

Here are the two badgers in case you missed them in the rush.

two badgers
Two badgers at the peanuts

All trail cam images from the Bushnell Trophy Cam HD.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Well, at least you know they are around :up:

    1. Darko, it was quite fun putting that together. I’ll do another one when the card fills up (which it will).

  2. Words, nice to see so much activity in your yard!

    1. Robin, it looks bust best like that, but I can stand out there for hours and see nothing. I’m sure they’re watching and wait for me to go inside which is why I’m not trying to hard right now. I’ll wait for the weather to warm up a bit.

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