Another change of pace as I made it to Falmer Pond this morning. There are a couple of new goslings and a small clutch of duckling, but the house martins were by far the most active of all the birds that inhabit the pond and its surrounding area. Here are a couple of shots of them gathering mud for nest building.

The local fields are ablaze with colour.

Over on the Brighton campus, the young herring gulls are doing well. These are the ones growing up outside an office window on one of the green roofs.

And of course, the garden at home has its own attractions. The cubs are looking increasingly serious about the business of being grown up young foxes.

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Camera note: all shots taken with the Canon 7D and EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L USM IS lens.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Time and tide, eh, Words?

  2. Is it a red poppy on that field?

  3. lovely

  4. dW, the year is passing by all too quickly. This weekend is Summer (apparently).

  5. Erwin, thanks!

  6. Darko, yes they're wild poppies.

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