These shots were taken in a fierce wind at lunchtime today. The jackdaw had settled on a tree by the side of the local pond, and spent much of the time crouching low while facing into the wind. Birds do seem to know something about airflow ;). . I was just a few feet away trying to stay upright.

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Camera note: all shots taken with the Canon 7D EF and 400mm f/5.6L USM lens.

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Words, it's certainly seems to be holding on for dear life!

  2. I've been in winds like that!

  3. Interesting to see the way he repositions his body to cope with the wind.

  4. dW, it can be quite a challenge (which is part of the fun), but the best solution is to take a tripod.

  5. Robin, me and the jackdaw alike!

  6. Lois, I had an enjoyable few minutes watching him!

  7. Erwin, thanks!

  8. It still must be harsh also for birds to balance on tree ranches like that :left: Good close-up shots of a jackdaw :happy:

  9. Sami, thanks! It was so focused on staying on the branch that I could get much closer than usual 😉

  10. Some of them are really curious and don't mind peeps around. My wife once was able to go as close as few feet from a jackdaw sitting on a fence pole. She got pretty nice picture of it :up:

  11. Sami, this one is very bold. I was able to get more shots of it today. It's easy to spot because of all the white colouring.

  12. Maybe it is an old hermit 😆

  13. Interesting also a beautiful set of photos

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