No flying aircraft to startle me today. Instead the sun brought out the hoverflies, one of the helpful garden insects. Their larvae eat a number of pest species. There are many different types, but I think these two are relatively common.

Hoverfly – eupeodes luniger

Hoverfly – Sphaerophoria scripta

Not a hoverfly at all, but a Gatekeeper butterfly.

More from today in Butterflies and Bugs

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Brilliant shots once again! :up:

    I have seen that unidentified hoverfly, I'm sure of it, but its name escapes me at this precise moment :confused:

  2. Wow the second one is very well focused, brilliant shot there 😀

  3. The bright sun really helps with these. The second one is Sphaerophoria scripta apparently.

  4. Ooh, very nice shots :up: . Not the world's most popular insect, but pictures like these show they are aesthetic and useful 🙂

  5. Oh wow these are great!

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