After the break of a few days I was going to spend some time catching up, but today provided a particularly nice buzzard sequence. The sighting came as I was heading back to work after lunch across the playing fields at work. The buzzard came in reasonably low from behind me. A herring gull was in close attendance as you’ll see in the final photo.






buzzard and gull

Camera note: all photos taken with the Canon 7D and EF 400mm f/5.6L USM lens.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Nice shots, Words … buzzards are very elegant in the air. And the gull … well, I’ve seen behavior like this before, in the period when the young are most vulnerable. I dare say that if the buzzard had offered to stoop, there would have been a few extra feathers in the air.

    1. dW, the buzzards put up with gulls and crows chasing them day in, day out. They always seem resigned to it but I guess they know they could win if it became serious.

  2. Nice shots! And you can tell that gull was not happy at all 😀

    Few days ago I’ve seen two robins chasing a crow away from the bush where I think their nest was. Crow gave up immediately. Amazing how brave smaller birds can be in order to protect their chicks 😀

    1. Darko, yes small birds can be very aggressive. I love the way wrens (even smaller than robins) stand their ground and protect their territory.

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