A couple of quick shots tonight of a young great tit enjoying one of the bird feeders at work.

young great tit

young great tit

Plus another youngster. This time a young rat peering out of one of the rat holes that pepper the fringes of Falmer pond.

Young brown rat in rat hole.

Camera note: all photos taken with the Canon 7D and EF 400mm f/5.6L USM lens.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. How do they get those big nut out of those small holes?
    The rat reminds me very much of the passage where Mole meets the Water Rat.

    1. dW, they manage to break off small fragments of peanut. The other feeders have seed, plus all the fat blocks.

      The pond is perfect for rat holes. They have runs that mean they can move all the way round without getting their feet wet!

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