I spent a few hours at the Park Cameras wildlife event. It’s local, where I get all my camera gear, and it was a good opportunity to pick up a new filter and data card and see some big birds up close.
It’s always a little bit odd photographing captive-bred birds, but you can get shots that just wouldn’t be possible any other way.
I’ll be posting more wild shots of the short-eared owls soon.
Camera note: all photos taken with the Canon 7D Mark II and EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM lens.
8 May 2016They look kind of sad but that could just be me.
I did that two years ago in some animal shelter on Vancouver island
8 May 2016No it’s not just you. I’m always a little uneasy about static displays. The birds looked healthy and were comfortable, but I much prefer seeing them in the wild. Just took a look at your album. It’s slightly different when birds have been injured, but nothing beats their natural habitat.