Pretty, our regular vixen doesn’t have any of her own fox cubs, but she is supporting a senior vixen in a ‘helper’ role. This is common behaviour among foxes. Pretty, herself only just a year old is working hard supporting the senior vixen with baby-sitting, food gathering and other support. She was in the garden this evening gathering up some chicken scraps which she dutifully took back to the nearby cubs. She returned a few minutes later, and this time had a cub in tow. This was the first proper visit by a cub this year.

fox cub
Pretty standing over a fox cub she brought with her into the garden
fox cub
Tasting chicken

fox cub

fox cub

fox cub

No doubt there will be many more visits over the coming weeks. Pretty is still the main visitor, but even Mama has put in the occasional visit recently.

Mama Vixen

Camera note: all photos taken with the Canon 7D Mark II and EF 200mm f/2.8L II USM lens.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ok you were properly introduced, now your garden will be taken and your role in providing a food is official 😀

    1. I fear you may be right. Just been checking the trail camera footage which reveals at least 5 cubs and 3 adults. It could get busy out there if I’m not careful.

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