I think this sequence of a thrush taking a bath can really talk for itself. Taken at Falmer Pond, lunchtime today.

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Camera note: all shots taken with the Canon 7D EF 400mm f/5.6L USM lens.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Words, my what a handsome fellow/girl! Now a clean handsome fellow/girl!

  2. Ahhh, nothing like a good bath :yes:

  3. What an ability you have, Words, to catch the private moments of this creatures. Nice! :up:

  4. Erwin, thanks!

  5. Robin, thanks! It looked like a young one and was clearly having fun there.

  6. Cynthia, thanks. It helps that I often go to the same places so I know all the best spots to look for things. It was the first time I'd seen one of the thrushes go in the water though.

  7. Darko, yes I think it agrees! 🙂

  8. One thing about birds – they never seem to worry about dipping a toe in cold water. They dive in straight away!

  9. Adele, they sure do. It looks like quite a young thrush and it was very enthusiastic about bathing. Must have been watching all the ducks :right:

  10. Beautiful set :up:

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