Everything is Permuted
Flickers of the Dreamachine

Flickers of the Dreamachine (ed. Paul Cecil)

Flickers of the Dreamachine

Brion Gysin's Dreamachine was the first visual object created to be viewed through closed eyes.

Flickers of the Dreamachine published by Codex Books in 1996. I was invited by Simon Strong of Codex to gather together a series of articles, poetry, extracts and photos related to the design, influence and use of the Dreamachine. Contributors included long-time Gysin collaborators such as Ira Cohen, Anne Nordmann, Terry Wilson and -, alongside a new generation of writers: Ian MacFadyen, Joe Ambrose, Simon Strong and Chris Riding. I contributed two pieces. To complete the book we included Gysin's original essay on the Dreamachine alongside Ian Sommerville's piece on flicker, plus lengthy extracts from W Grey Walter's The Living Brain (the book that inspired Gysin and Sommerville to build a dreamachine in the first place).

Extracts from 'Inside Out: the Mysticism of dreamachines' are on the following pages. The text has been re-ordered for the web. No need to read in order!

The narrative text 'Nothing is True - Everything is Permuted: The Last Words of Hassan i Sabbah' starts here.

The permutations and related info are listed below:

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back all text copyright Paul Cecil, 2002-2004