An often disregarded bird, the rook is really a quite splendid member of the corvid family. I saw this one this morning, flying over the South Downs.

Rook in flight

Rook in flight

Rook in flight

Camera note: all photos taken with the Canon 7D and EF 400mm f/5.6L USM lens.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Excellent shots of a very unusual corvid, Words!
    At least unusual to us in the New World, although they must be sufficiently numerous in Britain for there to have been a firearm developed called a “rook rifle”.

    1. dW, they’re common as muck over here, but in many ways the most engaging of the corvids. They can become very friendly, but always retain an air of battered servility about them.

  2. There are quite a lot of them in Serbia but is usually mistaken as raven or crow.

    1. Darko, they are about the same size as a crow so it can be easy to make the mistake (unless you are fairly close). Ravens are another matter. Much, much larger.

      1. I have seen proper ravens when I came to Canada – they were in size of a smaller eagle 😛 Not many of them are left in Serbia, well, not in Belgrade, but maybe in some smaller places they still have them. Crows rule in our cities 😀

        1. We do have ravens locally (two nearby towns have them roosting), but I think I’ve only ever seen them from a distance. The Tower of London is the easiest place to see them!

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