I made it out to Wakehurst Place again today (see earlier post). It's a wonderful parkland to wander around, with fabulous woodlands and wetlands, plus of course the extensive plant collection. I've added more photos to the Wakehurst Place album, but there were some exceptional moments that have made it out to the blog.

The first was when we were walking along a path and noticed a pheasant taking a dust bath beneath a tree. He was oblivious to our attention, and maintained a mini dust storm for about 10 minutes. He was eventually joined by a female 🙂

See the dust fly

A closer look

A final blast of dust!

Moving on around the park, we spent a short time in the hide overlooking the lake. As we were moving away a large bird circled and swept out of view. It was too quick for me to identify (and too far away), but it was huge. Possibly a heron, or an osprey. I need to spend more time there. Further along the wetland area we came across some ducks (well, they are everywhere).

Gliding ducks

What I had really been waiting for in the hide was a kingfisher, a bird I've never seen and certainly never photographed before. As chance would have it, we sat on the far side of the lake for a rest (Wakehurst is vast), and in the far distance I spotted something bright. Very small, but bright!

Kingfisher (full frame)

A closer crop

It was a heck of a distance away, and the light wasn't good. The kingfisher was keeping more or less within the shade of the woodland. In the end I pumped up the ISO to 1600 and was rewarded when the kingfisher swooped along the lake.

Kingfisher swooping

I'll do an update on the foxes soon, but I'm pleased to report that we seem to be back to regular visits. Check out the Fox of the Day for the most recent pictures (today's will be uploaded in the next hour).

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Nice to see a British kingfisher again! The ones here are rather less colourful.

    Dustbath pheasants :up:

  2. The kingfisher's plumage really is vivid.

    Great closeup on the cock pheasant :up:

  3. Great moments!

  4. Great pics:D I think the pheasant was showing off to his girl by saying i can make the most impressive dust display:P

  5. OK, then, but keep posting them, please :up:

  6. Oh I will keep posting, don't worry! 😀

  7. Another great set of photos. Have you been thinking of publishing them – as some kind of, say, "My neighbourhood wildlife" 🙂

  8. Thanks! The kingfisher was the real treat. I knew they were around Wakehurst, but seeing one is something entirely different. I was too far off really, but you can't have everything. I'm certainly pleased with the performance of the lens to get anything at all. Although it was a bright day (blazing in fact), the kingfisher was in deep shade.

    As for the pheasant, well he was such a good entertainer!

    No plans to publish (except here and on my site), and occasionally if approached. The competition is way ahead of me in terms of quality. I'm still a rank amateur when it comes down to it. Check out this kingfisher by a real photographer. Now that's someone who knows what he's doing.

  9. Stunning. That dust bath looks very entertaining. 🙂
    Great photos.

  10. Congrats on the kingfisher photo, they are so hard to get…

  11. Elke, it was kicking up the dirt in huge clouds. Great fun to watch.

  12. Louis, thanks. I have to admit that I was pleased to get that shot, small and distant as it is.

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