Long while since I’ve posted! I’m still photographing foxes, and we have a couple of very regular vixens who visit, but no cubs. I’ve also been thinking about how I photograph the foxes because after so many years it does become a challenge to come up with anything new. Hopefully these images count.
They were all taken on a long lens in fairly bright sunshine and make great colour images but I wanted to try something different. I’ve been toying with black and white processing for a little while and decided to see what I could get from this set.
I processed them in Lightroom (which now has some excellent masking tools so is a lot easier to use than a year or so ago), and masked out the background. I used some other tweaks in there to generate a more fine-grained effect and did a little bit of touching up with a brush to bring out detail where needed. As you can see I was aiming at something close to a pencil drawing.

All the photos were taken with the Canon 1DX Mark II and EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM lens.
29 May 2022They do look like detailed pencil drawings 🙂
Nice to see a new blog again!!!
30 May 2022It’s a work in progress but I’m pleased with these beginnings. And it definitely makes a change to be trying something new. I will definitely also give myself a kick to post a bit more frequently!
29 May 2022Welcome back! Awww, fox face.
30 May 2022Thanks Felix!