The little wood mouse was in spectacular form tonight. I spent over quarter of an hour hovering around the feeder taking photos. This is the only one I've processed so far. It's a full frame shot taken from about 12 inches away. One happy wood mouse 😀

No photos of the foxes today, although I did see a vixen shoot across the garden during the day and again this evening. She seems purposeful so there are almost certainly some cubs nearby, though whether they are hers or not I don't know.

The pond of course provides a rather more captive subject for observing, and the spawn is developing apace. Indeed they are virtually tadpoles now.

The final shot for today is a newt breaking the surface of the pond.

Camera note: all shots taken with the Sigma 105mm F2.8 EX DG macro lens.

This Post Has 21 Comments

  1. Love the wood mouse pic and the tadpoles are really coming on!

  2. The transformation on the tadpoles is so quick!
    I had no idea. Great Shots!

  3. Still a way to go before they become frogs!

  4. Late night snack for the mouse!

  5. I agree with The Black Rabbit. Great shots of the wood mouse, and I'm fascinated by the frog spawn/tadpoles development. Of course I know what happens…. but to see it from so close and in such detail is brilliant. I look forward to seeing them again in another week… Jane

  6. The Black Rabbit writes:

    Lovely shot of the mouse again.
    Leaves me wondering when we are going to get any internal shots of the mouse nostrils….
    (You're not that far away now, eh?!

  7. I never even imagined a mouse as helpful to photographers as yours is! Wonderful shot, really catches his personality 😀

    The tadpoles and newt are great too. :up:

  8. Greta shot of the wood mouse. In the top shot of the tadpoles they look like they've hatched out and are just clinging to the jelly, but thats just based on how close together they are and the protuding gills, which Im not certian means they,ve hatched

  9. Beautiful woodmouse :heart: And what a lot of Tadpolettes! :faint: I hope there are Fox cubs nearby, it would be great to see them running around your garden again.:) I had a dream last night that i saw a Fox and i was taking pics of it…. now if only i could somehow get those pics lol!!!

  10. Vulpes, cheers! I must sort out the rest of the mouse sequence from last night!

  11. Black rabbit, you've got me thinking. Would probably need to put the extenders and ring flash on for that. Do-able though 😉

  12. Jane thanks! It gives me something to do in between fox watching, and is proving a good little project.

  13. Andy, late night and all night!

  14. Adele, it's quite bizarre how unconcerned they sometimes are. It depends how I approach, but once settled they'll stay around as long as I don't make any noise.

  15. Neil, you're right about the tadpoles. There's a very fine film of 'jelly' left around most of them, though it's becoming more like a general mess on the surface.

  16. Mark, cheers and I should thank you for the term 'tadpolettes'. I think you used it first :up: No sign of cubs yet. Last year I didn't seem them until May. The year before it was mid-April, so I just have to be patient.

  17. Oh great! My best to the proud parents-to-be 😀

  18. Ohhh I would so dearly love to see the cubs!!!! Here's Hoping!!
    If things went well, I expect to be having some "cubs" of my roughly 55 days. Gwen and Jeb (My Cairns Terriers)
    have Sealed the deal! 😀

  19. I'm pretty excited about it. The whole family is excited and crossing their fingers because they're waiting for pups!
    They are already chosing names for pete's sake! 😆

  20. Wonderful photo of the mouse. I just love your cute visitor. :heart:

  21. Thanks Elke! 😀

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