Just a few shots from today. The sparrows and blackbird were taken in a small sheltered garden at work.

Meanwhile the old fellow was back in the garden again tonight 🙂

Camera note: Birds photographed with the EF70-300mm 4.5-5.6 DO IS lens; the fox with the EF 24-105 F4L IS USM.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Theres a lot of Sparrows in my garden too 😀 They keep flying away though before i get the camera ready lol:P

    Nice to see the Dog Fox again:D

  2. The garden I took those in has very high walls so they just flit around to another part if you approach. They soon settle back down though so they are a pretty easy subject to get.

  3. That one on the wall is excellent. I suppose he stayed there for a short time so you probably needed to do it fast 🙂

  4. Wonderful perspective with the wall! :up: Male sparrows are really handsome birds.

    The old dogfox certainly seems to be very much at home again 🙂

  5. I love that glint in the blackbirds eye

  6. How do you get a picture at the top of your blog? Like where your title is? Sorry I don't know how.

  7. Adele, thanks. That was probably the pick of the set I took.

  8. Darko, thanks. He was there for a few moments. I got about 7 shots of him on the wall, so there was actually plenty of time. It's a very easy place to get photos of them as they are used to people being about.:)

  9. Nocturnal, it's a bit fiddly as you have to edit some code, but here are some instructions that I wrote a little while ago:

    Make sure you've uploaded the picture you want to use and that you have a note of the URL.

    You then need to go to your 'My Account' page and the select 'Design'. You then get a page with various themes on it. Near the top of the page there's a link called 'custom style sheet'. Click on that and you can then edit your blog layout 😮

    Then paste in the following code:

    #top2 {
    background: #000000 url(http://my.opera.com/Words/homes/files/blogtitle3.jpg) right no-repeat;

    Replace the URL (which is my picture) with the URL of your picture.

    Note the lack of quote marks etc in the picture url and the squiggly brackets. That's how it should look The right no-repeat simply positions the image on the right and stops it tiling. You can experiment with various commands to get the image in the correct (or best) position.

    When you are ready to test it make sure the "Use my custom style sheet together with the current theme" is highlighted, and then click Save. Something should happen.

    Lots of complicated advice here: http://my.opera.com/WhyOpera/blog/show.dml/63665
    Lots of sample header images (which will give you the correct size to aim for) here: http://my.opera.com/WhyOpera/blog/show.dml/66554.

    Hope this helps

  10. Richard, I was surprised that the blackbird came out ok. It was in fairly heavy shade so I was doing as much as I could to get any kind of shutter speed. Technical details were: 1/80Sec / F5.6 / Exposure Compensation -1 / ISO 800.

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