There really was only one bird to see at the pond today, even if I couldn't resist a quick look at the house martin chicks. They're too cute, the way they peer out of their nest.

But quickly to the main event. It's doubtless the same cormorant as yesterday, so it seems to have taken up temporary residence. The feeding is obviously good, and there's some pleasant shelter on the small island in the centre of the pond. As you'll see. The first six shots were taken at various points around the fringe of the pond, each time after an unsuccessful series of dives for fish.

Finally, success…

And after that meal, it was time to retreat to the island haven to dry off and rest.

I don't know how long the cormorant will stay at the pond. It's well stocked with fish, but cormorants are extremely voracious feeders so the balance of the pond could be affected. Maybe it's time for the council to put up another 'No Fishing' sign :right:
Nature Blog Network
Camera note: all shots taken with the Canon 7D EF 400mm f/5.6L USM lens.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Michael Morris writes:

    Amazing, Paul! Is that a goldfish? If so, I hope he doesn't get at the fish outside my window!

  2. Michael, thanks. There seem to be quite a number of those goldfish (koi?) in Falmer pond, along with the much larger carp and no doubt various small fish. I doubt he'll pop over the road to Arts A (?), but the local heron may do. It's been spotted there before!

  3. Erwin , thaks. I took more (better shots) today.

  4. Excellent series! I've heard stories about foxes walking off with koi as well, so I hope the fish have strong nerves!

    And that martin is extremely cute 😀

  5. Adele, thanks. I have a feeling that the cormorant will simply stay put until the pond runs out of fish. The young martin is another matter.. it will soon be ready to leave the nest.

  6. Beautiful Photos :up:

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