We've had more sunshine in the past few weeks than we had for most of the summer. I'm not complaining, and this afternoon I went down to the coast at Rottingdean to see what was about. I was hoping the fulmars might be back from their summer excursions, but it's a little bit early for them. I might have more luck towards the end of next month.

Meanwhile, there were plenty of gulls to point the camera at. First, a herring gull.

If the sea looks calm in this shot it's because it was taken inside the marina breakwater. This is what the sea was doing on the other side.

There are plenty of black-headed gulls around at the moment, but of course they are white-headed at this time of year.

The black-headed gulls are among the smaller species. Less numerous, but at the other end of the size scale is the great black-backed gull. This one was fending off a pair of herring gulls (it had caught a crab).

The last of the seabirds for today are the oystercatcher. They're waders and zip along the coast in small flocks.

I'm going to close with one recent shot from the trail cam. This is the early hours of Friday morning, and is a rare sighting of one of our more irregular visitors.

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Camera note: all shots taken with the Canon 7D EF and 400mm f/5.6L USM lens. Badger via the Bushnell Trophy cam.

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. another beautiful intuitive shoot! is that closure a badger? I see the stripe across the eye…..

  2. Kathy, thaks! And yes the last shot is a (Eurasian) badger. It visits our garden occasionally, but I very rarely get to actually see it. 🙂

  3. I like your photos of a rough sea. They show a real nature at its best :up:

  4. Great shot of the badger! 🙂

  5. Darko, thanks! The sea is a perfect subject, but I love it when it crashes against the walls like that. The power is immense.

  6. Adele, thanks!

  7. Yes … the ground trembles underfoot when those breakers roll into the rocks … and the air is filled with their "BOOM!". I love it.
    Nice variety of seabirds … we don't get as many here.

  8. Great shot of the waves. I have taken some pictures of the waves hitting the pier on Lake Huron, it really is a dramatic photo. The badger is great too!

  9. Lois, if in doubt a shot of waves against land is always a winner. It's quite hypnotic to watch.

  10. dW, we're fortunate to have some good and very local wildlife even though this is taken at what is really a tourist area.

  11. Erwin, thanks!

  12. Nice shots

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