It was a beautiful cold morning today. The sun was rising over Falmer Pond….

Just as the moon was setting….

The pond itself was frozen…

But the sun was emerging, adding its glint to the icy scene.

Overhead, a cormorant flew over and circled the pond but declined to land. No fishing here today.

Quick shift to lunchtime. Still cold. Still frozen, But a little more active.

A moorhen partners a black-headed gull to audition for Dancing on Ice 😉

But the competition is fierce. A trio of black-headeds are also keen to qualify.

What they lack in elegance, the mallards make up for with the sheer energy of their performance.

Even the massed chorus line gave us a twirl.

A cold day, but a good day.
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Camera note: all shots taken with the Canon 7D EF and 400mm f/5.6L USM lens.

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Words, wonderful shots! I love watching the birds on the ice! I can be quite a ballet!
    Up to our knees in snow around here! More on the way apparently! should be good for keeping us off the roads for a week when it's suppose to warm up and rain!

  2. WOW!! Stunning shots! They should be in National Geographic!

  3. Fun shots!

  4. Reflections on ice make the pictures very 😎

  5. Too bad you didn't catch the plane while flying "over" the Moon 🙂 Nice photo of gulls, 9th one :up:

  6. Thoroughly enjoyed this sequence! I think the moorhen and gull get top marks in the dancing competition though 😉

  7. Darko, that was my thought. It must have flown over while I was there but mea culpa for not being alert.

  8. Adele, thanks! It was fun to take (and then sort through). This as ever is a tiny selection. The moorhen/gull routine gave me the theme, so they do deserve top marks.

  9. Lois, thanks!

  10. Sami, I like the reflections too. They have a very ethereal quality on ice.

  11. dW, thanks!

  12. Robin, thanks. We've fortunately avoided any proper snow this winter. I hope you're well prepared and stocked up with everything you need.

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