No, not the new and improved version of the Opera Browser launched yesterday, but a kestrel of the feathered variety.

I decided to explore a different route today, which took me out to some playing fields.

There were numerous rabbits about enjoying the sunshine.

But it was some movement overhead that really caught my eye. A kestrel was sweeping the field. My first set of shots were into the light (and have been quickly discarded), but it turned so that the sun was behind me and I was able to get a number of usable shots.

More birds from today in the June Birds album, including this closing shot of a robin. The shot was taken under thick foliage, handheld and without flash. The shutter speed was a miserable 1/50s and the lens was at 400mm. It's a good example of just how effective the image stabilization in lenses can be.

Camera note: all shots taken with the EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L USM IS lens

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. :eyes:

  2. what a perfect timing for this post!!! :yes:

    beautiful pictures Words,
    as always you make us feel special by sharing!
    Thank you!

  3. First photo of kesterl is excellent, it shows its elegancy and skill in manouvering.

  4. They are beautiful birds. What it must be like to have such dexterity in the air – amazing 🙂

  5. I really like birds and rabbits, but the field in the post that is amazing! :):)

  6. Excellent shots! The kestrel is so beautiful!

  7. Angeliki, thanks. Yes the timing was good wasn't it. 😉

  8. ZT, thanks. It's only a five minute walk from my office, but I usually go in the other direction. It was nice though.

  9. Thanks Lois!

  10. Adele, I love the hover. They seem to have small 'spoliers' on the front of the wing, which I presume must help them maintain position. I noticed them today in this shot.

  11. Vulpes, :whistle:

  12. Darko, thanks. they're amazing in the air. I was watching more of them today.

  13. In only five minutes you made all this great photos! You are really fast with your finger in the camera! :lol::lol:

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