The good weather is still holding, and I found myself out near some of the more agricultural fields at lunchtime.

Fields and barn

It was quiet, a few crows and magpies but none of the buzzards that are sometimes seen swooping low over the fields. I'd been watching for 10 minutes or so when I saw some movement. A pair of roe deer were galloping across the field in the distance. I have seen them here before, but only skirting the woods on the far side of the field in the early morning. This is quite possibly the same pair I saw back in August.

Roe deer

I made my way further along the hedgerow to get a slightly closer view.

And watched as they headed back to the security of the wood.

Heading back to work I had two more good sightings. First a green woodpecker.

Woodpecker on fence post

And finally, just as I was back near my office, I glanced up and sure enough a buzzard was circling overhead.

Distant buzzard

Not bad for a slightly rushed 40 minutes.
Nature Blog Network
Camera note: all shots taken with the EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L USM IS lens.

This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. An exciting lunch break! Time well spent.

  2. Not bad indeed – in fact I think that's exceedingly good, especially for 40 minutes! The leaping deer are great but that woodpecker looks like it thinks that the fence was built especially for her! (At least I think it's a she – cannot see any red on the "moustache!")

    Great to see the buzzard, of course :up:

  3. That is a good 40 minutes!

  4. Thanks Vulpes. It beats sitting in front of a computer!

  5. Adele, the woodpecker was a nice surprise, and thanks for the identification hint. I'll have to try to get a closer look next time I see one (assuming that they keep still!)

  6. Thanks Andy!

  7. Errr… did you actually have a time to eat something during lunch break? 😀
    Woodpecker photo is nice :up:

  8. looks like a great lunch break 🙂

    The deer are a nice sighting

  9. Neil, thanks! It certainly makes going to work more interesting having all this on the doorstep.

  10. Darko… er, not really. I tend to grab a sandwich. But I'd rather walk than eat, so that's fine 😉

  11. You do see a lot more on your lunch break than I do 🙂

  12. Wow, your lunches are fantastic adventures. Hoping you remembered to eat. Wonderfully fine photography Words! 🙂

  13. Mick, that was a good day!

  14. Cynthia, why is everybody's so worried about whether I eat? But it's a great way to spend some time in the day when I get the chance.

  15. Hahahaa … yes. Often I forget to eat, I am so busy on walks with camera and books in hand. I was really (I guess) thinking of me. I am happy you spend your time in such wonderful ways. It makes for nice relaxation time in my days. 🙂

  16. Amazing! :up: 🙂

  17. Thanks FB!

  18. Thanks Bitzy. We don't have climate control in our buildings (though occasionally the rain has been known to get in 😉 ). Getting away from a desk and screen is so important. And of course, you can't disappoint the crows.

  19. Nice catch on the hawk! I've yet to catch a decent shot of one.

    I never spend breaks indoors if I can help it.. even when it goes well below zero F. Working in a climate controlled(?) building makes you appreciate the outdoors so much. It's nearly a necessity to get outside, get some fresh air and clear your head. Besides.. the crows are expecting their treats! 😉

  20. Desk/Screen…. "Amen" to that Words…!

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