Every now and then I have a 'missed opportunity', one of those perfect moments when everything falls in to place but for some reason or other you fail to get the shot that is staring down the barrel of the camera. So it was this evening. I was outside looking for moths (and waiting for foxes). I had the camera ready (24-105 lens + teleconverter), flash charged. I was standing at the rear of the garden and turned back to go into the house. Facing me, about 20 feet away was a badger. It stopped. Looked at me. Waited. And could I get the camera to focus?:insane: Could I heck as like. The badger gave a last look as though to say it had been very fair and given me every opportunity to get a shot, and then wandered back where it had come from, all casual like! It even popped its head back up the steps to have a last look around before disappearing into the hedge.

So no badger, but a couple of shots from today.

Juvenile blackbird makes friends with a slug :whistle:


The hoverfly shot is my latest wallpaper. If you click the image it will take you to the Wallpaper album where you can download a 1280×1024 version.

Camera note: both today's shots taken with the EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L USM IS lens. I used a touch of fill-flash for the hoverflies.

This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. Hoverflies, this is realy amazing, Words!

    More luck in the future! But you always have great photos! :up:

  2. Aww, shame about the badger…next time!! :yes:

  3. Great shot of the blackbird! 😆

    I'm sure you'll get him when he comes back 🙂

  4. WOW! Amazing "Hoverflies" picture! Cute as can be cute is the "Juvenile blackbird makes friends with a slug" photo! :up: 🙂

  5. You should have two cameras with you, expecting unexpected 😀

  6. We cant catch everything with the camera unfortunatly but hopefully you will catch him next time. 🙂 Iam glad that the council decided against that major cull they were talking abut as i like Badgers very much, Livestock can be boring and should be immuised against TB.

    Its good how you catch the flies in flight, i try this on the Bumble Bees but they are camera shy 😛

  7. as though to say it had been very fair

    Oh boy, I've been there. Different species, but still, I know how you feel! One of those moments when affection for one's camera is somewhat…limited :insane: :furious: Well, I hope he comes back and the camera behaves itself next time…

    Nice shots of the blackbird and hoverflies anyway! 🙂

  8. I know the feeling very well, when you are pressing the shutter and NOTHING is happening! Very frustrating. But you got great pictures all the same!

  9. ZT, thanks. I was happy with the hoverfly photo. And one day, I'll get a photo of the badger.

  10. Mark, yes although I'm disappointed about the shot I'm delighted to have seen the badger again. There'll be more opportunities. It's good news that the government has seen sense about the proposed cull in England. There are still plans for a smaller cull in Wales 🙁

    As for photos of bees, flies and the like. I tend to focus on one on a plant. Sometimes they move off sideways and stay in focus, and sometimes one flies into shot like yesterday. Mostly they're a horrible blur!

  11. Adele, I can;t entirely blame the camera. I'd set up with the TC and that loses a couple of stops of light so the autofocus struggles a bit. With the foxes I don't hesitate to shine a torch on them, but I was being cautious with Brock.

  12. Lois, thanks. It's so annoying when that happens, but I can't really complain too much. I've had some good 'firsts' recently with the stoat and the red kites.

  13. Vulpes, I know, but it was good to see it so close and without a window between us. That's a first.

  14. Cynthia, thanks. I was nicely set up for the large hoverfly (Volucella Zonaria) when the second one flew into shot. Sometimes things do work out!

  15. Darko, it's a thought 😉

  16. Eric, thanks. The blackbirds are everywhere at the moment but this young one was particularly bold.

  17. Websailor writes:

    I do so empathise with the missed opportunity bit! Your photos are stunning. It seems I have a long way to go, but any photos of wildlife are worth taking. It was a comfort to see your early pictures! Those of us lucky enough to see such things and record them are privileged indeed.


  18. Websailor, it's the old story of the 'one that got away'. I think we all suffer (and enjoy) those moments 🙂 The photography followed my interest in the local foxes. I started taking snaps, and slowly began to learn more about cameras; and that taught me whole lot more about wildlife. A virtuous and enjoyable circle of sorts, and one that has no end in sight!

  19. Your large hoverfly in Volucella zonaria. Been in the Uk since 1920 or so. Nice image.


  20. Thanks Jon! Appreciate the i.d. :up:

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