It was time to top up the pond today after the recent dry spell. The following three shots of the flow from the hose pipe were all taken from the same position using the Sigma 105mm F2.8 EX DG macro lens and have all been through the same processing. Technical details below each photo. Note how the different shutter speed produces a quite different effect of movement, from the high detail of the first shot to the sense of continual flow in the last (slowest shutter speed).

Shutter 1/3200sec, f/8, ISO 800, exposure adjustment -0.7

Shutter 1/1600sec, f/4, ISO 100, exposure adjustment -0.7

Shutter 1/50sec, f/20, ISO 100, exposure adjustment -0.7

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. I like the first and third the most. The second sacrifices detail of the first shot, while the not capturing the motion of the third.

  2. Nice sequence. I like the first best. 🙂

  3. The second one is too much of a compromise between speed and depth of field. I like the softening effect of the low shutter speed on the third shot (great for waterfalls and rivers), but the first one picks out detail you wouldn't otherwise see.

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