One of the small by products of photographing the foxes is that there are sometimes small handfuls of sultanas left in the garden. They don't go to waste.

Slug and Sultana

Wasp and sultana

Wasp and Sultana again

From the Butterflies and Bugs album

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Slug eating sultana – first time for everything, I guess :eyes:

    Brilliant shots!

  2. Adele, I'm not sure they actually eat them, but they do congregate on any leftovers.

  3. I really like the use of DOF in the last pic.

  4. Ramunas, that's my pick of them too. I'm still getting to grips with a new lens which I got for distance, but it works nicely for insects as well. I used flash on these to help sharpen things up a bit.

  5. Cool shots! :up:

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