Close readers of the previous entry will remember that I managed to trash my phone in thick mud while out photographing dragonflies.

Well, every cloud has its silver lining, and yesterday I picked a new mobile. It's the Samsung e900. A neat little phone which means I can now access the web via Opera Mini from anywhere. My old phone was very basic indeed. Best of all the new phone comes complete with a 2 megapixel camera and 80MB storage, and seems to be capable of decent photos. The phone can upload them straight into a MyOpera photo album (handy if you're travelling). As you can see, mine now has a fox as its wallpaper (not taken on the phone though). But I don't think it's mud-proof, so I'll need to take care.

Needless to say, I've been playing around with the camera function, and to my astonishment came across one of the more bizarre garden inhabitants this afternoon. I'm not sure quite what to make of it, but it's a regular out there and this is just about the first time it's been caught on camera.

Captured on the Samsung e900

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. :yikes: run!

  2. Just tell us it was intentional and you didn't have the phone facing the wrong way by mistake. 😀

  3. 😆 Lovely shot.

  4. I think Andy has the right idea 😆

    Mickeyjoe – well I'd aimed it at some other things first, but not only is it posed but it's carefully selected to show off my best side. Makes me understand why so many animals scurry under the nearest bit of cover when I approach.

    Brendan – thanks. I'm pleasantly surprised at the quality. It can't match a real camera but the shots are certainly usable at a push. You can set ISO (between 100-400 plus 'auto'), white balance, image size (goes up to about 1600 x 1200), burst mode (of sorts) and quality. Not bad!

  5. 😀 Good one! 😆

    It never ceases to amaze me what technology these days people manage to put inside a mobile phone. However, I suspect that mobile phone coverage is better in the South Downs than it is on the west coast of V.I. 😉

  6. Nice phone:D I used to have a Motorola but it gave me so much hassle that i gave up and bought a normal regular one lol:P

    What happened was, every time i took a pic it shut down and in the end it wouldnt work at all, i got it off the internet which was a bad idea because i think in that way you cant take it back and explain whats wrong.

    Have fun with your phone, you can make posts on here while still fresh in your mind, how handy:D

    Your head looks nice but i like the camera better 😆

  7. Words, you have a big eye :eyes:

  8. Mark, I prefer the camera to my head too! I'm not great with phone technology and on the odd occasion it rings I've been known to cut the caller off while trying to retrieve from whichever pocket it's in.

  9. 🙂

    My camera phone doesn't get much use- typically I'll have a bigger,better camera in reach 😀

    The two things I need from my phone is tri- or quad-band GSM, and a grunty battery. That was I can use the phone almost anywhere in Asia (cellular coverage is often surprisingly good). Which means I can stay in email contact with home all the time. But with irregular opportunities to recharge, the battery needs to hold a lot of juice. Other than that, the other bells-and-whistles are irrelevant…

  10. Darko – :eyes: :eyes: :insane:

  11. Adele, the one function I almost never use on the phone is the actual phone. As for coverage, it's not great at work where I have to wander around to find a decent spot to get a connection. Kind of an emergency gadget, should the car break down or something.

  12. There's almost no coverage at all in my North Downs village! I'd understand if I were living in the Grampians, but I'm surprised that coverage in the southeast is so patchy. Oh well.

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