The south of England was hit by a huge snow storm today. That's a lie. We had a brief flurry in the middle of the morning, none of which settled. But it was exciting while it lasted and triggered various conversations about 'getting home from work' and 'will the heating break down'. So we're not yet able to compete with scenes like this from Louis' blog. What we got was more like this:

By lunchtime most of the snow had vanished though I was able to photograph a few remaining ice crystals caught on a fence post.

I found the ice by the dewpond I visit. No pond life to see today, unless a floating branch with some small fungi qualifies.

And that was about it photographically for the day. Damp, cold (but not too cold) and overcast sums up the British weather. The last two years have been the warmest on record. Which may explain why we had active newts in our pond on New Year's Eve!

Camera note: all shots taken with the EF70-300mm 4.5-5.6 DO IS lens. I added a 21mm extension tube for the ice and fungi shots, and used flash.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. But anyway you took some nice winterly photos. 🙂

  2. Lucky you to even get a flurry lol:P It was dry and dull cloud here in Bognor all day and has been for a few days, actually i havent seen the sun this year 😆

    Nice pics:D

  3. Yeah, that was about as "wintery" as it got here! However the ground is pretty hard underfoot now and the foxes probably don't like it for caching.

  4. The ground was like mush today. I went out for a walk, thought I'd stick to the paths so didin;t bother with boots, but got dragged into the fields by a kestrel (lousy photos) and then a woodpecker (o photos). I was a tad muddy by the time I got back to the office.

  5. I dont think the sun has shone in 2008 yet :yikes: Lets hope its nicer over the weekend, on Sunday iam off to Gatwick again:)

  6. The forecast looks semi-ok for Sunday, but you may get the odd shower!

  7. Adele, no sign of foxes here this evening but they were making a huge racket late last night.

  8. And here. I've just seen One-Eye sitting under the conifer tree trying to keep dry!

  9. Raining here too 🙁

  10. Oops i bet your boss wasnt happy about the carpet:P Yep the weather is currently chucking it down with rain.

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