The rats are becoming ever more elusive as the water level rises, but they are nothing if not adaptable and I spotted this one today perched on a thick branch overhanging the water. I had to struggle to gain a clear line of sight to it through all the overhanging branches. These are the best I could do.



This final shot of the rat gives a better idea of its location. Its taken directly into the sun bouncing of the water’s surface.


Those were this morning. Later in the day I went out to the fields where the sheep were forming an orderly queue as the farmer arrived with their feed.


Over head a small flock of fieldfares gave warning of cold weather to come.



A pony snuggled down in the weak sunshine…


And somewhere in this photo there’s a fox. Can you find it. I didn’t see it until I was processing the pictures. The animals at the top of the photos are horses… that’s the only clue.

horses and fox

Camera note: all photos taken with the Canon 7D and EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L USM IS lens.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Particularly beautiful shots of the fieldfares. What camera are you using please? Need a clue to where the fox is. Photo pixellates too much when I zoom in, on my tablet. Could be by the hedge further down from the horses?

  2. Jill, these were taken with a Canon EOS 7D and the 100-400mm lens. The fox is by the hedge, just before the hedge bulges, bottom left. It’s just a dot! If you look at my post for the 16th I’ve put up a full crop so you can see it.

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