You must have seen the recent photo of a weasel riding a green woodpecker. I can’t match that, but I can show a green woodpecker that’s lost its weasel.

Green woodpecker without weasel
Green woodpecker without weasel

Just a couple of other pictures today. This is Ridge Road at Falmer. I really like the light in this shot and am beginning to appreciate landscape photography. I may even start using some proper landscape lenses if this goes on.

Ridge Road

Final pic for today is a greedy rat gathering up bread left out for ducks. Taken early morning, of course, when the little devils are quite active.

rat grabbing bread
Greedy rat!

Camera note: all photos taken with the Canon 7D Mark II and EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM lens.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Haha, that weasel riding woodpecker is all over the world news for last few days. What an opportunity, eh?
    Now, did you ask this woodpecker if he knows that other one? It is kind of celebrity, you know… 😀

    1. Darko, it had a companion but he flew off before I could take a photo. Maybe it was the celebrity going all camera shy.

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