It’s been a little while since I featured the local rodents who live in the banks of Falmer Pond. It’s a good habitat for them, with plenty of cover, nice, easy runs along the banks, and a steady supply of food courtesy of the local duck-feeders. This being Brighton, seed is more common than bread.

Anyway, here are several of the local rats…

The 'evil' face  of the rat in its run
The ‘evil’ face of the rat in its run
Rat clambering on to the grassy bank of Falmer Pond
Rat clambering on to the grassy bank of Falmer Pond
Rat tucking into bird seed at Falmer Pond
Rat tucking into bird seed at Falmer Pond
Rat running through undergrowth at Falmer Pond
Rat scampering through undergrowth at Falmer Pond
Rat running through undergrowth at Falmer Pond
Rat running through undergrowth at Falmer Pond

Camera note: all photos taken with the Canon 7D Mark II and EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM lens.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Business as usual in rats community 🙂

    1. Darko, they’re always busy, but a bit quieter of late. Always there though 🙂

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