Apologies to anyone who came by yesterday and saw a DNS failure notice. I’d been tweaking some settings on my host and then changed my mind and then the site went down. Good support, and all was back up by morning. Anyway, the weather has been conspiring against me today although there was a brief period early this morning when the clouds cleared and the sun shone down. About that time the local Indian runner ducks spotted one of the locals arriving with the daily food parcel 😉

Here are the ducks. They are such odd looking creatures, domesticated from wild ducks and originally bred for their egg-laying and the fact that you could walk them to market. This group has taken up residence at the local pond. I suspect they originally arrived by car.

Indian runner duck

Indian runner duck

Indian runner duck

Indian runner duck

And to tidy things up a sample that should have appeared last night.

Brown rat
Rat 😉
Pied Wagtail
Pied Wagtail
Muscovy Ducks
Muscovy Ducks

Camera note: all shots taken with the Canon 7D and EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L USM IS lens.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. The last sentence, “I suspect they originally arrived by car”, made me chuckle 🙂

  2. Andy, it’s probably true though. The pond can be a bit of a dumping ground for unwanted water fowl, but it’s a friendly place for them to end up and they do fine.

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