It's back to the normal routine, and so I stopped off at Falmer Pond early this morning. The ducks were still mainly asleep, and the geese were grazing idly on the grassy bank. Overhead, swifts and house martins danced across the sky. And then a new family appeared, stepping smartly over the grass and heading for the water. Yes, a second clutch of greylag goslings, this time numbering seven (there are six in the first clutch).

Just along from the new group, the earlier goslings were also out and about but looking altogether more grown up.

The young moorhens are increasingly bold which means that they are venturing out into open ground for the first time. They've grown a lot, but still have the unfortunate look of a badly-finished rag doll.

The final shot from the pond is a blue tit. I don't feature these feisty little birds nearly enough, but this one was crying out to be noticed.

Back home, Tuesday night's brief fox encounter with Shutterbug is turning into a mini-glut. He was back again tonight, this time prowling around the borders. Once again he didn't stay long. But long enough.

Nature Blog Network
Camera note: all shots at the pond taken with the Canon 7D and EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L USM IS lens. The fox was photographed with the EF70-300mm 4.5-5.6 DO IS lens.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. I like a personalities all "your" foxes show. They are (were) all different :up:

  2. Darko, each fox is certainly highly individual, and sometimes they can even have multiple personalties to themselves. Well I think they can, anyway 😉

  3. Erwin, thanks!

  4. The parents look proud, as well they sound!

  5. Adele, I completely agree. The geese are a model of good parenting, and so well organized too.

  6. Cute Lovely Pict

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