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This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. :eyes: . . waiting

  2. 😆 I though it might be some type of vulture.

    Can't wait to see the close up.

  3. Turkey vulture in the South Downs…that would send the twitchers / listers (you know, those folks who chase around everywhere trying to see birds that are far from their natural range) into a frenzy unparalleled since that snowy owl ended up in Lowestoft :p

  4. Is that a crow? I thought you'd had a visit from a cormorant for a moment :eyes:

  5. Whatever it is, it looks just as surprised to have seen you. 😀

  6. A cormorant would be good, a vulture unbelievable. But yes, it's a crow!

  7. Its a crow:D

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