Even I'm beginning to get a little tired of these, or at least am running out of possible variations on the theme. Today's sequence shows the cormorant (a youngish one judging by the brown rather than black plumage) surveying and then mounting the sign.
"Looks like a handy place for a spot of fishing"

"One small leap for cormorant-kind…"

"We have touchdown"

"Hmmm. where are the fish" (stamps foot)

"Peek-a-boo anyone?"
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Camera note: all shots taken with the Canon 7D and EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L USM IS lens.

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. LOL

  2. Seems only cormorants are active at this time of year 😛

  3. And they sure like to challenge authority. 😛

  4. I think there's plenty of variation :sherlock: 😀

  5. Maybe the 'no fishing' sign is there because there actually no fish within a meter or so of the sign? :whistle:

  6. Originally posted by SittingFox:

    Maybe the 'no fishing' sign is there because there actually no fish within a meter or so of the sign?

    :yes: of course 💡

  7. dW, :cheers:

  8. Darko, it does seem that way. It's not quite true but they are probably the most entertaining of the local water birds.

  9. Adele, or it's a cunning lure to lull the fish into a false sense of security. :right:

  10. Sami, I try to keep it a little varied, but believe me I have a lot of shots that are more or less indistinguishable from each other.

  11. Felix, they're iconoclasts to their last tail feather 😉

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