Just a small selection of one of the many blue tits which are frequenting the garden at the moment. While hardly exotic, they are one of the prettiest garden birds.

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Camera note: all shots taken with the Canon 7D EF and 400mm f/5.6L USM lens.

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Looks like he might be interested in lichens.
    Pretty little guy, almost flashy.

  2. Nice and loud little birds 😀

  3. love photo #2 – nice little poser.

  4. These have to be the most beautiful little birds. Very nice shots!

  5. Darko, that's them! It's all those bright colours. It goes to their head.

  6. Lois, thanks. Yes they are incredibly sweet. Very bold and they always brighten up the garden.

  7. dW, quite possibly. They are great show-offs, 🙂

  8. Jill, thanks. That shot was actually the frame immediately before the 4th shot when he turned his back on me.

  9. great group!

  10. That one is an especially pretty individual :up: Very bright colors.

  11. They're cute, but very indignant in the hand. I've heard quite a few stories of late from bird ringers about "feathered fury". They've got a reputation all their own :bandit:

  12. Adele, I like the idea of 'feathered fury'. It figures with them. Bandits indeed.

  13. Kathy, thanks!

  14. Sami, thanks!

  15. Nice shots! In my garden there are a lot of them and I love them; they are so cute. :love:

  16. 7Wellis, thanks. They indeed have a very cuteness quotient!

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