It's not often you get he chance to capture a computer bug on camera, but I was presented with just such an opportunity today. And yes, this does mean I carry a macro lens around with me!

Camera note: all shots were taken with the Sigma 105mm F2.8 EX DG macro. I struggled with my standard Canon 430EX flash unit and resorted to bouncing the light down with a piece of photocopy paper!

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. I definitely would not argue with this fella.. noooo way!
    That's a riot! 😆

  2. They look a bit fearsome, but hoverflies just mimic wasps and don't carry a sting!

  3. I see what you mean. Some beautiful landscape though!

  4. He looks like he's really busy!

  5. But this bug was trying to send you e-mail. Look at the key it is trying to press 😆

  6. Ahh, now we can see it… the computer bug. Long time I've wait for that. 😆
    Great photos! :up:

    @ gdare: guess, what he did write? 😆

  7. Poor little hoverfly, imagine writing an email where the keys are bigger than you! Let us know if you receive anything from it 😉

  8. Is it just my eyesight, or does the '@' key in the last shot not look like a pair of bug eyes and a head? :eyes: (some imagination may be required!!). This would explain the hoverfly's attraction! 😉

  9. Haha!:lol: Very good one:P It is a good idea to carry a camera around with you because that reduces those times where the right time but no camera handy situations.

  10. I wish I had a nickle for every time that happened.
    As a rule, I usually have a camera with me now.

  11. Oh I always (pretty much) have the camera with me these days. Oh and the email hasn't arrrived yet!

  12. hmmm.. can't edit posts..

    was going to say… "pun intended"..:p

  13. 😆 Probably a "bug" in the mail server 😛

  14. 😆 You could certainly sell one of those photo!

  15. Maybe! I don't know.

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