Just as the light was fading this evening, Shutterbug the fox appeared in the garden. It's a long time sinceI've had the chance for some daylight photographs of the garden foxes. Maybe this is the first opportunity of many, maybe an isolated incident. Time will tell.

As well as these shots (well these and a 'few' more) I took some video which I'll post later this weekend (I'm struggling with the editing). Conditions were not ideal. To make the most of the fading light the camera was set at ISO 1000, and even so shutter speeds were sometimes as low as 1/20s. But daylight shots are a scarcity for me these days, so here are a few.

Nature Blog Network
Camera note: all shots taken with the Canon 7D and EF 24-105 F4L IS USM lens.

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Beautiful fox portraits!. Shutterbug is very photogenic!

  2. Words, he's certainly a fine looking fellow!

  3. Yaaawn :zzz:

  4. So lovely pictures :love: It is nice to have some pictures of fox where background is also lit :hat:

    EDIT: First one is absolutely great :up: You should put that on the top title bar of your blog 😉

  5. I was looking at my old daylight photos of garden foxes recently and rather missing those days. Glad Shutterbug has turned up in daylight for you! When summer comes (which it will, one day :whistle:) perhaps you will get many more photos of him.

  6. Great photos. :up:
    But since someone seems to be very tired. :zzz:

  7. Sami, yes daytime shot have a completely different quality to them, even when the light is as poor as it was yesterday. Thanks for the suggestion on the blog design. I may update it soon… but I'm lazy!

  8. Robin, it was good to see him in daylight!

  9. Darko, :zzz: 😀

  10. Lois, thanks!

  11. Adele, it so much better to see them in the day. Last year we hardly saw them at all except at night. I'm not counting my chickens yet about more daylight visits (though maybe if we had some chickens… 💡 )

  12. Thanks Steffi, it was an early start for a fox. Busy times for them.

  13. Erwin, thanks!

  14. Erwin, thanks 🙂

  15. Great :up:

  16. Lovely Photos

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