As I mentioned on today's 'fox of the day', I caught some video of one of the cubs eating a dog biscuit. Nothing remarkable in that, but I'd not previously noticed the habit of throwing back the head to get a better bite (at least I think that's what's happening). This is the You Tube version, with a direct You Tube link below in case it doesn't load.

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Excellent footage. He acts as if he owns the place. :p

  2. True… but then i think his family was here first 😉

  3. Flying Red Fox writes:

    Oh hes so cool! Hey Words i saw a fox this morning but he was too quick for me, any suggestions on how i can approach without giving myself away?

  4. Hi Flying Red Fox,

    The only rule I can think of is to keep really still, and see if they approach you (or more likely just stand and watch). They like gentle cooing/clicking noises as well, but no loud noises and no fast movements.

    If you know their route (creatures of habit) you could sit in wait for them and see what happens.

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