The Amphibians album continues to grow… a selection from tonight.

High 5

Eye to eye


The eyes have it

Camera note: all shots taken with the Sigma 105mm F2.8 EX DG macro lens.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. You're getting some marvellous shots :up: They can be surprisingly difficult to take well. That last picture is very eye-catching, excuse the pun!

    We've got five in the pond here now, and one set of frogspawn.

  2. I agree- this is a marvellous set of shots. I think I prefer the high 5 shot for the pose. I assume these are manual focus shots?

  3. That's a neat trick for the flash. That would certainly push the success rate up. Are the frogs bothered by the flash? (I like the last picture The eyes have it also- it's a very nicely balanced composition.)

    I've got an AF-assist for low light on the α700, but haven't the chance to use. Got to say though, that even our largest spiders aren't as big as a frog! (That may comfort some people).

  4. Brendan, yes the high 5 was a good moment to get. Actually I use the auto focus. The Canon 430EX flash unit emits a series of red vertical bars which the AF can pick up. Works well and means night focusing is pretty straight forward for larger subjects.

  5. They don't seem to mind the flash. Sometimes they dive down as soon as I approach, but they soon re-merge. As long as I don't hover directly over them they're usually fine with it. The red AF assist is much better than the flash strobe that was built in to the camera. That would startle a bat the other side of the county!

  6. Adele, I'm enjoying the pond. It's always so active at this time of year. And congratulations on the spawn. We've not had any here yet 🙁

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