The number of frogs coming to the surface is slowly increasing. I counted eight tonight. None of them were in mating pairs though, which is slightly odd, so it may be a few days yet before we see any spawn. Last year it appeared on the 25th. Alongside the frogs, the newts remain active (and too numerous to count). They also seem much more prone to leave the pond to go hunting around the fringe area. I'm interested to see if that continues when the tadpoles emerge (assuming we get any), or whether they engage in more watery predation.

Just one photo of a frog from tonight, and a couple of one of the newts on dry land. There are more in the Amphibians album.

Camera note: all tonight's shots were taken with the Sigma 105mm F2.8 EX DG macro lens.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. 😎

  2. That first shot captures their personality so well.

    Last year we had large quantities of spawn but almost none of it survived. Maybe this year will be better.

  3. Wow, you've been very busy. That is an awesome album! :up:

  4. 😀

  5. Vulpes, :cheers:

  6. Thanks Andy.

  7. Elke, Thanks! I spend a lot of time out there waiting for the mouse or the fox, so I get plenty of opportunities to photograph the pond.

  8. Adele, I think I need a waterproof casing for the camera. I was hovering an inch or so above the surface for the shot of the frog. We've had some years with no sign of tadpoles. Other years it's swarmed with them. I've no idea why it varies like that.

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