We were about 400 yards from the end of a five mile walk through the Downs today when we came across a lone kestrel perched on a fence post. We approached slowly. It flew down to post further along. This happened a couple of times, but each time I managed to get a little closer. What follows comes with a caution if you're squeamish. This is just a small selection.

Kestrel on a fence post

It darted down on to the path ahead of us. It had something at its feet.

It looked up. I froze.

And then to my astonishment it started to feed.

I think the prey may be a mouse.

Not easy to tell what it has though.

Whatever it is, it certainly stretches…

Finishing off…

And away

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Great pictures! Not sure what the prey is either :confused: At the UEA the kestrels hunt rabbit kits but this looks somewhat smaller.

  2. I wondered about a young rabbit. Very possible given their numbers.

  3. What an opportunity!!! And kestrel froze too, probably he thought you will try to take his food away from him 🙂

  4. Mick macey writes:

    Brilliant sequence of shots, they may be 1 of our more common raptors, but they still give great entertainment. Mick

  5. Great captures!

  6. Zachary writes:

    A serendipitous sequence!! I like the photo where the kestrel is reeling up to get the stringy piece to seperate.

  7. They are fantastic shots, well done 😀 You should put some on the springwatch website they will love them too!

  8. Thanks! It was fascinating to watch and that stretchy one is one of my favourites as well!

    I'll take a look over at Springwatch. I've not been there this year. Thanks for the pointer Mark.

  9. Just a quick update. From another site I post on the suggestion is that the prey is a vole, one of the kestrel's staple food sources.

  10. Beautiful photostory! Must have been fascinating to watch. 🙂

  11. Silvershark writes:

    Wow what a great set of photos! Talk about being in the right place at the right time! 😀

  12. Thanks for the great pictures!

  13. Wow! Well done :up:

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