Most busy parents face this dilemma… what to feed hungry mouths. Here's how the gulls manage…

First you open wide and let the kids see what's on the menu.

Then heave your guts up!

Share a little

Run away with something for later 😉

With the chick in hot pursuit!

And then after the meal… it's time for the young one to stretch out.

There are more recent shots in the Herring Gull Chicks album (end of page 2, beginning of page 3).

The other chick is fine too, but still stranded on the lower deck. It seems happy enough but is harder to photograph. Here's one from today.

Camera note: all shots taken with the EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L USM IS lens.

This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. :up: nice, they are already ready to fly!

  2. Sigh, the chores of parenting…! 😉

  3. Oh! Yuk! I love it! Great series of pictures. It is so cool the way they are growing up and we get to experience it through your pictures. :up: Words!

  4. Nature,
    beautiful even in a :yikes: situation ! :yes:

  5. wow there growing fast. Some noce behavioural shots too 🙂

  6. It really is amazing how quickly they are growing. The parents must be working hard but I'm sure they're not neglecting their own appetites 😉

  7. Vulpes, yep, it's a tough life for them for sure.

  8. ZT, I imagine they'll be flying soon! 😀

  9. Angeliki, it's at moments like that I'm glad of the zoom :yuck:

  10. Cynthia, thanks. Not always pretty to watch, but I find them fascinating anyway.

  11. Neil, it's been a really interesting sequence to get, and a good discipline of more or less the same time daily, and always from the same position.

  12. Adele, quite right about the adults looking after themselves. Greedy as gannets. 🙂

  13. Another super gull series! :up: Thanks for giving us this window on their world. 🙂

  14. FB, it's a pleasure 🙂

  15. We're ALL going to miss those little guys when they fly away!!

  16. Lois, I know 🙁

  17. Indeed Lois! 🙁

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