We're back into a more or less continual sequence of rain and showers; and even though it was dry first thing, the clouds were already blocking out what little light there was. All of which is simply a way of saying these are the best of a pretty poor bunch.

Naturally there's a cormorant. There are several that are making use of the pond and this is certainly a favoured drying-off point.

Probably equally apt for the weather, some ducks. These two were dabbling in a secluded corner of the pond.

The third (and final) shot is the drake as he drifted towards the open part of the pond.

The rain is likely to persist until tomorrow night, and then intermittently over the next few days. 🙁 :smurf:
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Camera note: all shots taken with the Canon 7D and EF 200mm f/2.8L II USM.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Our weather is beginning to turn Wintry, though we've still only had one snow (yesterday), and it's all gone now. They're promising us a real hammering tomorrow and next day, but I doubt we'll get much of it … maybe 2" or so. We're in a close copy of the pattern we had last year … any real weather is either 50 miles north of us, or 50 miles south. Another year of drought, I'm afraid.
    I'd be tempted to play with those shots, Words … they're not all that bad, and I've managed to make the sun shine (well, almost) on some pretty dreary castles.

  2. The rain is getting beyond a joke. I'm hardly able to walk Khamsin down local trails even with Wellingtons these days. I'll be buying a canoe to commute into work before much longer :rolleyes:

    Even the ducks must have had enough by now.

  3. dW, 2" of snow would have us bunkered down for the duration. We really don't know what bad weather is like here, but we never stop complaining. I guess it's in our blood.

    I quite liked the duck shots from this set. I've much better ones of cormorants taken in that spot in decent light, but generally I don't spend too much time processing them. These ones will have had some white balancing, noise reduction and some tweaking of exposure and contrasts.

  4. Adele, everything is waterlogged, and I assume it was the rain that put the Brighton line out last night (no trains this morning, but thankfully I no longer need them) and killed the power in Rottingdean for about 6 hours. Today was great, but I fear more rain is due on Saturday.

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