This feels like quite an unusual post given that it is mainly focused on some of our common garden birds. Nothing exotic here, but some nice surprises further down the page. I'll start though with a simple shot of a magpie, taken this morning at work. Nothing fancy, but a nice pose.

Next up one from late in the day, at home in the garden. The light caught this greenfinch perfectly and the intervening foliage created a natural soft frame.

The highlight from an observational perspective (if not photographic) were a small family of great tits that frequent the garden. Here's an adult.

And here's it is with two of the several fledglings.

Finally a couple of the shots that I suspect you knew were coming. Feeding time 😉

As I said at the start, nothing too unusual in this post, and next up is nothing fancier than a domestic cat. I'd been watching it watching something for a while, and (for once) was perfectly placed to capture the leap. I have no idea what it was after, and it didn't appear to have any success.

Last, certainly not least, but again hardly a surprise… Shutterbug in the garden in the middle of the evening. Unusually for him he didn't hang about, but then he does seem to be taking his parenting responsibilities quite seriously. As do the vixens.

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Camera note: all daylight shots taken with the Canon 7D and EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L USM IS lens. the cat and the fox were both taken with the EF70-300mm 4.5-5.6 DO IS lens.

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Nice collection. More art than science, but there's nothing wrong with that.

  2. I must still be suffering from jetlag – when I saw the greenfinch, my brain said: "yellow warbler" :right: :whistle:

    The hunger of fledgling birds knows no equal! Nice series.

  3. With so many birds around, who do you think a cat was after :ninja:

  4. Darko, I'm not sure what the cat was after, but it was quite intense about whatever it was it didn't get!

  5. Adele, thanks. There are plenty of fledglings at the moment. It seems quite a decent year despite the poor weather for most of the spring. Hope your write-up is going well.

  6. dW, thanks! I'm just enjoying having some light to play with 😉

  7. Nothing unusual, just good pictures as usual :sherlock:

  8. Bingo!, Sami!

  9. Sami, :cheers:

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