The declaration last week of an official drought has had the inevitable effect of bringing rain. Not enough to end our drought status (which I expect to remain until at least the autumn), but certainly sufficient to mean that I spent most of my time today dodging showers. And I mean literally dodging them. The rain fell in very confined areas so while the pond and local wood felt the brunt at lunchtime, I was able to cross the road and find dry weather and blue skies less than half a mile away.

The young lambs are as photogenic as ever, happily following the ewes around the fields.

While the lambs are always a pretty distraction, I eventually spotted the dominant resident on the ridge: buzzards. This one was sweeping over the hills and although at this reduced size it may not look much there's no more impressive sight over the Downs.

After several minutes circling on the far side of the valley, it eventually crossed the field and came close enough for a slightly more detailed shot.

The final shot for tonight was taken in the garden late this afternoon. The light was good (the best of the day), and the gulls active. This one came in circling low over the garden fences.

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Camera note: all shots taken with the Canon 7D and EF 400mm f/5.6L USM lens.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Good shot of the buzzard, but I like the light and expression on the gull. It looks like it is lost in thought (probably about food).

  2. A slightly more detailed is actually very detailed 😀

  3. Darko, reducing the photo for the blog helps, but really it's a pretty big crop.

  4. Adele, I was particularly pleased with the gull. Nine times out of ten I dump those shots but I got a nice sequence of this one coming in. Buzzards are always good to see. They convey such a strong sense of nature.

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