This is a postscript to the postscript posted earlier…. Yes I still got a hedgehog, but she wasn't alone πŸ˜‰

hedgehog and fox

Edit: I've now grabbed the trail cam footage to add. He sure doesn't like the flash πŸ™

Nature Blog Network
Camera note: Photo taken with the EF 24-105 F4L IS USM lens and Canon 430EX flash unit, mounted on a Manfrotto 458B Neotec tripod with 488RC2 ball head and fired via a HΓ€hnel HW 433 C80 Pro Remote Control.

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Wohay! :up: Sounds like the title of a kid's book…"The fox, the egg and the hedgehog". πŸ˜‰

  2. I'm getting to enjoy all this technology πŸ˜€ That was the only shot which had the fox in it. I'll have to check the trail cam in the morning to see how rapidly he shot away when the flash went.

  3. Yay!!! :hat: :cheers:

    I hope it will not frighten him not to come back again. But he will pay attention to camera for sure πŸ˜€

  4. He's got the most wonderful quizzical expression on his face! :p


  5. Darko, well the trail cam footage shows that he doesn't like the flash, but he did come back later.

  6. Completely nonplussed I think at the new light-emitting hedgehog defence πŸ˜‰

  7. Yay πŸ˜€ thats really good, i saw some Deer (maybe Roe, not sure) playing in a feild as my train was going past to Barnham, wish the train would stop in those cases!…. i know it cant though πŸ˜†

  8. Yahooooo!!! Great capture! :up: πŸ™‚ Did the hedgehog survive?

  9. Anna, the hedgehog was fine. The fox just ignores it.

  10. Mark, the train never stops when you want it to!

  11. Excellent capture! You must be very, very pleased!

  12. Lois, I am… but I'm even more pleased about something I got this afternoon. More about that later.

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