Just a very quick post. The cubs were out once again. There were four of them, though thus far not in the same shot. This is a very quick selection from the many shots taken over a 35 minute period.

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Camera note: all shots taken with the Canon 7D and EF 100mm f/2.8L macro IS USM lens.

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. :yes: :yes: Damn, they're cute!

  2. And they are getting used to you 😀

  3. Alice writes:

    Adorable!! 🙂 I am concerned about the red ear on one of them…

  4. Anonymous writes:

    They are uber-cute!!


  5. Alicve, I think the injured ear is probably a nip by one of the other cubs. They fight all the time and minor wounds are a common fact of life for them.

  6. Darko, I'm being cautious, but slowly a couple of them are getting to tolerate me quite well (as long as I don't move!)

  7. Marilyn, well said! They absolutely are. 😀

  8. dW, it was moments like this that started my whole photography journey. It's good to have some new cubs around. It's been quiet for the past couple of years.

  9. They're developing into real characters 😀

  10. Adele, they certainly are. I'm beginning to get a handle on two of them (one much bolder than the other), but too early to decide on names.

  11. If you can't decide there's always Eeny, Meeny, Miny, and Moe. 😆

  12. Mick, but my problem is knowing which is which!

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