I like the new system (now it's loading properly) and am just wondering how to use it. The picture system is excellent so expect many more fox pictures. I have a dilemma though… I still want visitors to head over to my official Picture of the Day on my website. So now I'll probably have to select at least two a day. One for here and one for there.

Which brings me to tonight's picture:


Our fox is getting pretty sussed. What's happening here is that my other half has just signalled to the fox to 'sit' while she goes and gets an egg from the kitchen. Sure enough the fox now sits straight down on command and watches the door like a hawk. Well trained indeed. We use the same hand signal (upward pointing finger) as we used to use with our dog. Maybe all canids know this trick, like some sort of morphic field that they all just 'know'. The fox certainly knows that an egg's on its way 🙂

Anyway, here's the reason for the waiting:


And here's the happy fox carrying away the prize:


More – and different – pics as usual on my site from around midnight.

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