Nature Blog Network
Camera note: all shots taken with the Sigma 105mm F2.8 EX DG macro and extension tubes. Light provided by the Sigma EM-140 DG ring flash. All mounted on a Manfrotto 458B Neotec tripod.

This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. Wow, those are awesome shots!

  2. Cool captures! 😎

  3. 😎 😀

  4. Thanks San.

  5. Eric, thanks!

  6. Darko, cheers :cheers:

  7. Wow! Really effective!!

  8. Thanks Vulpes.

  9. Very artistic! I like the first one in particular.

  10. Thats really cool 😀 Do you do that in macro mode and wait patiently for the water droplet to form?

  11. 😎 In the second image they look like drops of mercury.

  12. Mark, yes I'm using a macro lens. I leave the tap on a moderate fast drip (not very ecological) and take lots of shots. I focus manually because the autofocus won't pick up the droplets quickly enough as they fall past. The flash helps 'freeze' the moment (I keep the room fairly dark).

  13. Thanks Adele… desperate times trying to find anything to photograph

  14. Probably for the best :whistle:

  15. Mick, they do don't they (mind you with health and safety being what it is these days, it's a long time since I've played with mercury).

  16. But such fun!

  17. Simply awesome!!

  18. Wow, that is something new in your blog!
    I like the photos very much, especially the 3rd! :up: 🙂

  19. Thanks Lois!

  20. Thanks Elke. I'm torn as to my favourite, but I was pleased with the simplicty of the third shot.

  21. Absolutely fantastic! Brilliant Words!

  22. Thanks Cynthia. If we get some more dull days I'll experiment more.

  23. Brendan, thanks!

  24. Nice- I like the simplicity of the second shot the most 🙂

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